Microprocessor Controlled Charging System (MCCS)

Created Date:

1 Nov 1997

Last Updated / Completion Date:




In the 90s I worked as an electronics design engineer for a small company that supplied rechargeable batteries, battery packs, power supplies and chargers.

The client base included individuals, small and large companies, the hobby industry, the emergency lighting industry, mobile phone providers, the Ministry of Defence, Post Office, and Prison Services.

One particular client in the hobby industry commissioned us to build a multifunction charger that could charge, discharge, and perform load testing on NiCd (nickel–cadmium) battery packs.


I had built a number of charging systems around the bq2003PN IC, a fast charge IC with with high-speed switching power control circuitry (PWM). It detects a negative delta voltage (-ΔV) in the battery’s charge curve to terminates fast charge:

To control the charge circuitry and allow the user to set a charge / discharge cycle and view the status on the front panel I chose the Microchip PIC16F84 microcontroller. These were very popular back then, specifically the ones that use flash memory, which allows the program to be reprogrammed. We take this for granted now with the Arduino and other devices, but back then it was a brilliant concept and allowed for easy iterative development.

The power fast charging circuit consists of a 555 driving a MOSFET via PNP / NPN transistors in a standard buck configuration. The PWM signal is provided by the bq2003PN. Discharge is via an LM317 in constant current mode. The LEDs are latched using 74HCT574 D-type tristate flip flops.


The PIC16C84 firmware was written in Assembly language, and is listed below:

PIC16C84 Microcontroller Assembly code:
; uP Controlled -dV Fast Charger - Copyright © Russell Carter 01/1998
    List    P=16C84,F=inhx8m
tmr0          equ    01
pcl           equ    02
status        equ    03
porta         equ    05
portb         equ    06      
eedata        equ    08      
eeadr         equ    09      
intcon        equ    0B      
options       equ    81      
trisa         equ    85      
trisb         equ    86      
eecon1        equ    88      
eecon2        equ    89      
count_1       equ    0C        ; Second divider
count_2       equ    0D        ; Second divider
lt_latch      equ    0E        ; IC3 : D7 - D0
sc_latch      equ    0F        ; IC4 : D7 - D0
del_1         equ    10        ; Delay reg 1
del_2         equ    11        ; Delay reg 2
flags         equ    12        ; Flag register
sec           equ    13        ; Seconds register
min           equ    14        ; Minutes register
table         equ    15        ; Next table read location
del_mult      equ    16        ; Delay Multiplier
    org       0              
    goto      init_ports       ; Start
    goto      service_int      ; Interrupt Vector
    movlw     b'00001000'      ; RA3 - CCMD held high
    movwf     porta          
    clrf      portb            ; Clear Port B
    bsf       status,5       
    clrf      trisb            ; Port B set for outputs    
    movlw     b'00010010'      ; RA1, RA4 Set for inputs
    movwf     trisa          
    bcf       status,5       
    movlw     .250           
    movwf     count_1          ; 2ms Interrupt x 250 = 500ms
    movlw     .2             
    movwf     count_2          ; 500ms x 2 = 1000ms = 1 second
    movlw     .60            
    movwf     sec              ; 1s x 60 = 1min
    movlw     .15            
    movwf     min              ; 15min timeout for 100mAH @ 400mA discharge
    movlw     .10            
    movwf     del_mult         ; Multiply delay by 10
    movlw     .36              ; Last value on the table
    movwf     table          
    movlw     0XFF           
    movwf     sc_latch       
    movwf     lt_latch         ; Set all LED's
    call      latch_write    
    call      med_delay      
    call      med_delay      
    call      med_delay      
    clrf      lt_latch       
    movlw     b'10010000'    
    movwf     sc_latch         ; Set Idle and Charge Only LED's
    call      latch_write    
    bsf       status,5       
    bcf       options,7        ; Enable weak pullups on Port B
    movlw     b'11000000'    
    movwf     trisb            ; Set RA7 & RA6 inputs
    bcf       status,5       
    btfss     portb,7        
    goto      start          
    btfss     portb,6          ; Determine which key is pressed
    call      togl_cycle     
    goto      key_input      
    bsf       status,5       
    bsf       options,7        ; Disable weak pullups on Port B
    clrf      trisb            ; Set RA7 & RA6 outputs
    bcf       status,5       
    bcf       sc_latch,4       ; Toggle the Cycle LED's
    rrf       sc_latch       
    bcf       sc_latch,7     
    btfsc     sc_latch,4     
    goto      next           
    bsf       sc_latch,4     
    call      latch_write    
    call      med_delay      
    movlw     b'10010000'    
    movwf     sc_latch       
    call      latch_write    
    call      med_delay      
    btfss     portb,6          ; Test for "Old Load Test Value" request
    call      disp_lt        
    bsf       status,5       
    bsf       options,7        ; Disable weak pullups on Port B
    clrf      trisb            ; Set RA7 & RA6 outputs
    bcf       status,5       
    btfsc     sc_latch,7       ; Determine which Cycle is required
    goto      ch_only        
    btfsc     sc_latch,6     
    goto      dis_charge     
    goto      load_test      
    bcf       porta,3          ; Charge Command
    call      short_delay    
    bsf       porta,3        
    call      charge           ; Fast Charge
    bcf       sc_latch,2     
    bsf       sc_latch,0       ; Set the Cycle Complete LED
    call      latch_write    
    goto      cycle_complete 
    bsf       porta,2          ; Discharge Command
    call      short_delay    
    bcf       porta,2        
    call      discharge        ; Discharge
    call      charge           ; Fast Charge    
    bcf       sc_latch,1     
    bsf       sc_latch,0       ; Set the Cycle Complete LED
    call      latch_write    
    goto      cycle_complete 
    movlw     .1             
    movwf     eeadr          
    movlw     .0             
    call      ee_write       
    bcf       porta,3          ; Charge Command
    call      short_delay    
    bsf       porta,3        
    call      charge           ; Fast Charge
    bsf       sc_latch,2       ; Set Charge LED
    call      latch_write    
    call      lt_delay         ; Rest battery 5 min before Load Test
    bsf       porta,2          ; Discharge Command
    call      short_delay    
    bcf       porta,2        
    btfss     porta,4          ; Wait for Discharge signal
    goto      check_1        
    bcf       sc_latch,2       ; Clear Fast Charge LED
    bsf       sc_latch,1       ; Set Discharge LED
    call      latch_write    
    bsf       status,5       
    movlw     b'11010010'      ; Set Timer 0: Internal and Prescaler 1:8
    movwf     options        
    movlw     b'10100000'      ; Enable Interrupts
    movwf     intcon         
    bcf       status,5       
    btfsc     porta,4          ; Test for end of Discharge
    goto      wait             ; Wait for Interrupt or end of Discharge
    bsf       status,5       
    clrf      intcon           ; Disable Interrupts
    bcf       status,5       
    movlw     .1             
    movwf     eeadr          
    movf      lt_latch,0     
    call      ee_write       
    call      charge         
    bsf       sc_latch,0       ; Set Complete LED
    call      latch_write    
    goto      cycle_complete 
    bcf       sc_latch,1       ; Clear all Status LED's, Set Batt Low / Trickle LED
    bcf       sc_latch,2     
    bcf       sc_latch,4     
    bsf       sc_latch,3     
    call      latch_write    
    btfss     porta,1          ; Wait for Fast Charge signal
    goto      check_2        
    bcf       sc_latch,3       ; Clear Batt Low LED, Set Fast Charge LED
    bsf       sc_latch,2     
    call      latch_write    
    btfsc     porta,1          ; Wait for Fast Charge Complete signal
    goto      check_3        
    bcf       sc_latch,2       ; Clear Fast Charge LED
    call      latch_write    
    btfss     porta,4          ; Wait for Discharge signal
    goto      discharge      
    bcf       sc_latch,2       ; Clear all Status LED's, Set Discharge LED
    bcf       sc_latch,3     
    bcf       sc_latch,4     
    bsf       sc_latch,1     
    call      latch_write    
    btfsc     porta,4          ; Wait for end of Discharge signal
    goto      check_4        
    bcf       sc_latch,1       ; Clear Discharge LED
    call      latch_write    
    movlw     .07            
    movwf     tmr0           
    decfsz    count_1          ; Decrement counters for timing
    goto      ret            
    movlw     .250           
    movwf     count_1        
    decfsz    count_2        
    goto      ret            
    movlw     .2             
    movwf     count_2        
    call      dec_sec        
    movlw     b'10100000'    
    movwf     intcon         
    decfsz    sec              ; Decrement seconds register
    movlw     .60            
    movwf     sec            
    call      dec_min        
    decfsz    min              ; Decrement minutes register
    movlw     .15            
    movwf     min            
    btfsc     flags,0        
    goto      dis_int        
    call      togl_lt        
    bsf       status,5       
    clrf      intcon           ; Disable Interrupts
    bcf       status,5       
    bcf       flags,0        
    movlw     .0               ; Toggle to next load test value
    addwf     table,0        
    btfss     status,2         ; Check for table limit
    decf      table          
    movf      table,0        
    call      table_1        
    movwf     lt_latch       
    call      latch_write    
    bsf       flags,0        
    movlw     .5             
    movwf     min            
    bsf       status,5       
    movlw     b'11010010'      ; Set Timer 0: Internal and Prescaler 1:8
    movwf     options        
    movlw     b'10100000'      ; Enable Interrupts
    movwf     intcon         
    bcf       status,5       
    btfsc     flags,0        
    goto      check_5        
    addwf     pcl            
    retlw     b'11111111'      ; Out of Range
    retlw     b'00001111'      ; 3500 mAh
    retlw     b'00010111'      ; 3400 mAh
    retlw     b'00100111'      ; 3300 mAh
    retlw     b'01000111'      ; 3200 mAh
    retlw     b'10000111'      ; 3100 mAh
    retlw     b'00001011'      ; 3000 mAh
    retlw     b'00010011'      ; 2900 mAh
    retlw     b'00100011'      ; 2800 mAh
    retlw     b'01000011'      ; 2700 mAh
    retlw     b'10000011'      ; 2600 mAh
    retlw     b'00001101'      ; 2500 mAh
    retlw     b'00010101'      ; 2400 mAh
    retlw     b'00100101'      ; 2300 mAh
    retlw     b'01000101'      ; 2200 mAh
    retlw     b'10000101'      ; 2100 mAh
    retlw     b'00001001'      ; 2000 mAh
    retlw     b'00010001'      ; 1900 mAh
    retlw     b'00100001'      ; 1800 mAh
    retlw     b'01000001'      ; 1700 mAh
    retlw     b'10000001'      ; 1600 mAh
    retlw     b'00001010'      ; 1500 mAh
    retlw     b'00010010'      ; 1400 mAh
    retlw     b'00100010'      ; 1300 mAh
    retlw     b'01000010'      ; 1200 mAh
    retlw     b'10000010'      ; 1100 mAh
    retlw     b'00001100'      ; 1000 mAh
    retlw     b'00010100'      ; 900 mAh
    retlw     b'00100100'      ; 800 mAh
    retlw     b'01000100'      ; 700 mAh
    retlw     b'10000100'      ; 600 mAh
    retlw     b'00001000'      ; 500 mAh
    retlw     b'00010000'      ; 400 mAh
    retlw     b'00100000'      ; 300 mAh
    retlw     b'01000000'      ; 200 mAh
    retlw     b'10000000'      ; 100 mAh
    movf      sc_latch,0     
    movwf     portb          
    bsf       porta,0          ; Latch Port B into IC4 - Status, Cycle
    movf      lt_latch,0     
    movwf     portb          
    bcf       porta,0          ; Latch Port B into IC3 - Load Test
    bsf       status,5       
    bsf       options,7        ; Disable weak pullups on Port B
    clrf      trisb            ; Set RA7 & RA6 outputs
    bcf       status,5       
    clrf      sc_latch       
    clrf      lt_latch       
    call      latch_write    
    call      ee_read          ; Displays the previous value of the load test
    movwf     lt_latch       
    call      latch_write    
    goto      cycle_complete 
    call      short_delay    
    call      short_delay    
    call      short_delay    
short_delay                    ; Total Delay = V1(3*V2+8)+6
    movlw     .244             ; Value 1
    movwf     del_1          
    call      delay_2          ; Values chosen for 100ms
    decfsz    del_1          
    goto      loop_1         
    movlw     .134             ; Value 2
    movwf     del_2          
    decfsz    del_2          
    goto      loop_2         
    movlw     .1               ; EEPROM Read
    movwf     eeadr          
    bsf       status,5       
    bsf       eecon1,0       
    bcf       status,5       
    movf      eedata,w       
    movwf     eedata           ; EEPROM Write
    bsf       status,5       
    bsf       eecon1,2       
    movlw     0x55           
    movwf     eecon2         
    movlw     0xAA           
    movwf     eecon2         
    bsf       eecon1,1       
    bcf       status,5       
    call      wr_delay       
    retlw     .0             
    bsf       status,5         ; EEPROM Write complete detect
    btfss     eecon1,4       
    goto      wr_delay       
    bcf       eecon1,4       
    bcf       status,5       
    goto      cycle_complete 

The flowchart describes the process controlled by the PIC16C84:


Construction was simple. The PCB was glued to he top of an ABS box with the LEDs embedded within holes, to expose them through the silk screened legend on the top. Pushbuttons were mounted on the lid and the switch was mounted on the PCB. A Mains lead was brought in through the side and connected via a fuse to a transformer, which supplies AC to the PCB.


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