About me…
I am passionate about my various hobbies and always like to be doing something interesting. From a young age I became interested in Electronics after watching my father build interesting circuits. I then went on to study Electronic Engineering and worked in the field for 5 years before joining the IT revolution. Building and installing PCs was a lot of fun back in the 1990s. Electronics is now my main hobby.
Having a beautiful wife and daughter doesn’t afford me much time to pursue my hobbies, although I do take my camera when we go on holidays or anywhere local – even walks in the park.
Some of my hobbies are true hobbies while others are really support hobbies, for example designing a Microsoft Access database to catalogue all my electronics components, or writing a photo management application to view and manage my photos. This website is a hobby – I enjoyed re-leaning the latest version of WordPress and discovering all the plugins – pulling it all together and styling it.
My favourite area in electronics is digital electronics, with a focus on microcontrollers. When I studied electronics back in the 90s, microcontrollers were complicated devices that required a deep understanding of operation, memory organisation, and assembly language. I used the Microchip PIC 8-bit series of microcontrollers in some of the products I designed, and writing code for them was a lot of work.
Now of course we have many different types of microcontrollers available to the hobbyist, all easily programmable using high level languages, without the need to understand in depth principles.